March is Women’s History Month and I want to talk solo female travel! Specifically, the traits and characteristics that you likely have as a solo female traveler. YOU, my friend, are a badass if you travel the world solo as a female. And here is exactly why.
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YOU Are A Badass If You Solo Female Travel. Here’s Why.
I have been traveling the world for over a decade now.
Most of it has been solo, though I’ve enjoyed great friend-trips and trips with boyfriends along the way, too. But there is something so empowering and fulfilling about going it solo, as a female.
Like every other solo female traveler out there, I have had my fair share of questions and comments along the way. Everything from sheer curiosity-driven queries to outright insulting assumptions about why (and how) I am traveling alone.
It rarely ruffles my feathers these days, because I really only care what those closest to me think of me and my lifestyle. And, all of the best ones are very supportive.
And the truth is, there are more benefits to solo travel than risks.
My very close friend told me recently how she describes me to her other friends who haven’t met me. She tells them that I am the “real-life Lara Croft.”
Full disclosure, I’ve never seen the Tomb Raider movies, so I don’t know if this is accurate. But from what I gather, here is why she describes me as such.
- I explore the world confidently solo, and have a deep love and curiosity for less-visited destinations.
- Many ancient ruins, including the ruins in Cambodia where those movies were filmed, have been checked off of my list.
- And, I immerse myself in local life whenever possible, which gives me a true feel for different cultures and customs.
Honestly, there’s nothing special about me except that I’m extremely curious, confident, and determined. Any female out there can do the same if they wish, and plenty of you do!
To all my fellow solo female travelers, YOU are an absolute badass. Here are ten reasons why.
1. You Don’t Need a Man to Feel Safe.
You are confidently forging your path in the world, and don’t need a man by your side to do so. You are responsible for your own safety.
2. You Don’t Need Anyone Else to Foot the Bill.
You are a badass female who is funding your own adventures! No one else is paying your way, you plan and save for your travels solo. That is independence!
3. You Are Not Waiting For the Perfect Time/Partner/Moment to Build the Life and Experiences That You Want.
You are actively living the life that you want, right now. You don’t have a need to wait for the perfect time or the perfect partner to see the world and go after what you want. And building your dream life solo will only make you a happier person and better partner, should you choose to be one.
4. You Face Your Fears, You Don’t Shrink From Them.
When you do feel apprehensive, you face those fears head on. You don’t shrink or run from them. You know how to differentiate nerves from actual danger. That is a super-power that only solo travel can hone.
5. You Have an Explorer’s Heart.
You want to see what the world has to offer, first-hand! Seven Wonders? Check. The Americas’ first city? Check. The Middle East? Check.
You are out in the world, exploring the land, and checking off that bucket list solo.
6. You Have a Passion for Learning.
You are genuinely curious about other perspectives and ways of doing things in the world. Learning about other ways of life fascinates you. And an open mind and broad perspective will serve you well in many of life’s situations!
7. You Value Experiences Over Things.
The experiences of a lifetime hold more value for you than a new pair of shoes or the latest cell phone. When you spend your hard-earned money, I can bet it’s going toward experiences and memories over material possessions. And you have a lifetime worth remembering!
8. You Go After What You Want.
You don’t waste time and wonder “what if”. Instead, you go after everything you want in life! I have no doubt that goes beyond travel into life goals, degrees, and jobs, too. Your determination is palpable.
9. You Aren’t Afraid of Spending Time Alone.
You are well aware that being alone doesn’t equate to loneliness. In fact, you relish that alone time, following your own itinerary and desires! Eating alone, walking alone, flying alone… piece of cake.
10. You Prefer to Form Your Own Opinion.
You never let the media or outside opinions drag you down. Your opinion is formed by research and experience. The world will never catch you blindly listening to sensationalized headlines; you have your own mind.
So this post is for YOU, my fellow solo female travelers. And, it’s also for those of you who haven’t tried solo travel yet but feel called to.
You are amazing, you are brave, and you are capable. You are exactly what this world needs.
YOU are a badass!
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